Helping You Be You Again. 616-447-4090
At West Michigan Rehab + Pain Center, the focus of care is not only on reducing pain, but also increasing quality of life and function. Offering our patients a conservative, non-surgical approach to chronic pain management, it is our goal to provide a complete and seamless continuum of care to patients with chronic pain, musculoskeletal disorders, and other neurological conditions.
We understand that not only is each patient unique, but so is their condition and treatment plan. Our personalized patient care and multi-faceted approach to chronic pain management assists patients with the management of pain by finding best matched rehabilitation paths for varied injuries and underlying conditions.
Our state-of-the-art rehabilitation centers combine cutting-edge equipment with the latest in rehabilitation techniques to help patients resume an as active and healthy a lifestyle as possible.
If you have any questions or would like additional information please submit a contact request or call us at 616-447-4090.
To request a consult with Dr. Ramin Rahimi please submit a consultation request and we will contact you in the near future.
Always feel free to stop by our Grand Rapids and Grandville locations.