Helping You Be You Again. 616-447-4090

Independent Medical Examinations

Rahimi Rehab + Pain Center is qualified to perform independent medical examinations to determine off-work status, permanent disability, and impairment rating.

An essential resource for case and claim management professionals, our independent medical exams are conducted by trained and certified medical personnel and provide impartial and thorough assessments to enhance the evaluation process, producing beneficial results for all parties involved, including the examinee.

Impartial, Independent Examinations and Assessments

Are you a case or claim manager in need of an independent medical examination for an insured party? We invite you to contact Rahimi Rehab + Pain Center to discuss our impartial, independent medical examination services.

Need a Medical Second Opinion?

There is a great deal of thought and commitment associated with the decision to undergo surgery or physical therapy. Your body and your finances are at risk, and it is important to be completely sure you are going to have the correct procedure done or participate in the right therapy pogram.

If you’re unsure about any advice or recommendation you’ve been given, we will gladly offer a second opinion. We may even be able to locate the cause of your pain and treat it, without having to undergo surgery.

Schedule a Consultation Today
Independent Medical Examinations Independent Medical Exams